Grading Policy

For most of the courses, the final grade for a course is determined by the weighted letter grades of the student's exams: midterms and finals. The student who withdraws from a course will receive the symbol "W" (Withdrawal) for the course, which has no impact on the GPA. The credit hours for the course are counted as "attempted but not achieved". The grading rubric varies depending on the courses. The following formula is only an example:

  • Course Grade= 40% (Midterm) + 60% (Final)

Grade Conversion Table

Symbol Point Value Percentage Definition
A 4: [3.5 - 4] 90 - 100% Excellent
B 3: [3 - 3.4] 80 - 89% Good
C 2: [2 - 2.9] 70 - 79% Satisfactory
D 1: [1 - 1.9] 60 - 69% Unsatisfactory
F 0: [0 - 0.9] 0 - 59% Failing
W     Withdrawal

* To interpret your letter grades on proficiency scales, refer to the Correlation to TOEIC, TOEFL, and CEF Ranges below. For detailed descriptions of your proficiency to the SLOs, refer to the SLOs described under the Course Descriptions.